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Lanzarote Insect Block

Solitary bees are a non-stinging bee species that are essential to our eco-system as pollinators of our plants, and hence our food supplies. Help continue the cycle by providing an insect habitat as they lay their eggs in the drilled holes and cover them with a resin layer. When the eggs hatch, this resin is food for the young bee who can then go on to do its part. Leading invertebrate conservation charity, Buglife, were so impressed with our insect houses that they have endorsed the complete CJ Wildlife range, commenting on “a really well designed and practical selection” of habitats. This is the small sized Insect Block of this design. Position this insect block a sunny spot, preferably in the vicinity of many flowering plants for best results. For ideas on which plants are suitable for attracting solitary bees and other pollinating insects, view our range. You may also be interested in the medium Tenerife Insect Block and the larger Sicily Insect Block.